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209 Collishaw St, Moncton
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M-T 9-9 pm|F-S 10-4 pm
25 Reasons for Massage

25 Reasons People Get Massage Therapy

Many people are getting therapeutic massage therapy to experience a variety of health and wellness benefits. (no particular order)

  1. Alleviate postoperative painReasons for Massage Therapy
  2. Stress Management
  3. Chronic neck pain
  4. Fibromyalgia pain
  5. Better sleep quality
  6. Dementia mitigation
  7. Rest and Relaxation
  8. Improve Quality of life
  9. Range of motion
  10. Improve balance
  11. Sports or exercise performance
  12. Increase your cardiovascular health
  13. Lessen anxiety
  14. Lower blood pressure
  15. Osteoarthritis pain can be reduced
  16. Nausea caused by chemotherapy
  17. Lower the frequency of migraines
  18. Rheumatoid arthritis pain
  19. Reduce the severity of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms
  20. Reduced joint replacement discomfort
  21. Reducing stress in cancer patients
  22. General relaxation of muscles
  23. Depression symptoms
  24. Headaches caused by tension
  25. Lower backaches and pains

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