Our Location
209 Collishaw St, Moncton
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Opening Hours
M-T 9-9 pm|F-S 10-4 pm

Elevate Your Mental Health Naturally with Founder Andrew Maillet, PhD, ND, DO (EU)

Meet the visionary behind the Naturology Centre, Andrew Maillet, PhD, ND, DO (EU), a proficient Naturopath, Manual Osteopath, and experienced Hypnotherapist. His multidisciplinary wellness centre houses a team of specialists, including Massage Therapists, a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor/Acupuncturist, Personal Fitness Trainers, and other professionals dedicated to natural health and wellness.

Committed to helping clients tap into their innate wellness potential, Dr. Maillet employs over 20 years of educational and clinical experience in his practice. He believes in a holistic therapy approach that treats the whole person rather than individual components. His integrative method of mental health care emphasizes diet, brain nutrition, physical fitness, lifestyle, and the synergy of mind, body, and spirit to foster balance and well-being.

As the president and fellow of the Canadian Naturological Association / Association Canadienne de Naturologie, a non-profit professional organization for natural medicine practitioners, Dr. Maillet champions public safety, educational standards, research, and philanthropy across Canada.

"Unlock the power of natural mental health and well-being!"

PhD, ND, DO (EU)

Areas of Specialization

Lifestyle and Wellness Care, Stress / Anxiety Management, Eliminate Fears and Phobias, Insomnia and Sleep Quality, Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem, Stop Negative Thinking, Increase Energy and Motivation, Weight Loss and Maintenance, Smoking / Vaping Cessation, Develop Habit Control, Sales or Career Performance, Relationship Problems, Concussion Management, Chronic Pain, and other areas.

Practitioner Associations

Canadian Naturological Association / Association Canadienne de Naturologie - Fellow
Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine (ACMA Association) - New Brunswick Branch Director
Collège des Ostéopathes Canadiens - New Brunswick Branch Director
Alliance Professional of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists (NB)
Academy of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Canada
Fédération des Médecines Alternatives
Professional Board of Hypnotherapy

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