Our Location
209 Collishaw St, Moncton
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Opening Hours
M-T 9-9 pm|F-S 10-4 pm

Terence Acupuncturist

Matter and Energy are One, and that Matters. So let us put Energy into what Matters!

Improve your well-being with Dr. Terence Laverdure, an acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) expert for various health conditions. As a dedicated healthcare professional since 1996, Dr. Laverdure has extensive experience in Japanese Shiatsu Therapy, a type of acupressure massage, after completing a 2200-hour program and earning his Diplomate of Shiatsu Therapy.

Further enhancing his expertise, Dr. Laverdure has pursued studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Traditional Tibetan Medicine (Sowa Rigpa/Men-pa), and Naturopathy, obtaining his Naturopathic Certification. As a seasoned meditator and Chinese Internal Martial Arts practitioner, including Baguachang and Xingyichuan, Dr. Terence brings a holistic approach to his treatments.

Benefit from Dr. Laverdure's impressive 8,000 hours of combined training, over 25 years of experience, and his compassionate nature for an outstanding natural healthcare experience. Choose Dr. Terence as your go-to acupuncture and TCM specialist for improved health and wellness.

D. TCM., R.Ac., Dipl.S.T., N.C., TTMP

Areas of Specialization
Pain Conditions, Sleep Problems, Anxiety and Low Mood Disorders, Digestive Problems, Learn more!

Therapist Qualifications

Maritime Association of Registered Acupuncturists (MARA)
Alliance Professional of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists NB (APNN)


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